California Sea Lion Pup Fund

California Wildlife Center is now one of only a few facilities in southern California that are authorized to care for the HUNDREDS of sick and emaciated California Sea Lions that are washing up on our shores. CWC has rescued over 115 sea lions in Malibu alone since the beginning of the year...and the numbers here and across the state continue to climb every day.
Our rehabilitation staff and volunteers are working quickly to prepare our facilities to house up to 25 Sea Lions at a time with the hope that it will alleviate some of the strain on the other organizations in southern California who are at, or near, capacity.
But we can’t do it alone. Your tax-deductible gift to CWC will be used to provide these animals with housing, food, medication, and life-saving medical care so that they can return to their ocean home for a second chance at life. California Sea Lions need your help. Thank you for your support.
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